The Atomic Tarot, Creativity, know, stuff.

This week has been insane.

But, good insane.

Once upon a time my art group, the Atomic Pixies, did our first baby kickstarter, and it was amazing, and we made our Atomic Tarot deck.

And now we're running the second printing, and I am remembering, now, that running a kickstarter is 30 days of anxiety. Even, apparently, one that's doing really well! But that said, I...I really do love running a Kickstarter. I love the crowdfunding model. I know there are a lot of deeper think pieces out there about communism and millennials and all sorts of stuff, but I just love, as a creator, working so closely with people. Being able to use a lot of people, doing a little, to get every one what they need. If I didn't have backers who were hoping and waiting on this project, it would have been a dream, forever.

There's an interesting, and frustrating thing when you run a business that buying  in bulk is cheaper. For a little over double the last Kickstarter, we are getting 4 times the product at a MUCH better quality. I am just really excited.

For any artist wanting to take on a tarot deck, be prepared for some burn out. 78 cards is no joke. There was a month or two after the deck where I was completely drained of all creativity.

But that said, I think a large part of what I have learned, between this run, and the last, is the importance of self motivation. We are currently 4 days late on chapter 3 of our webcomic, Rendezvous, because of the above, but it exists. It's a thing that anyone can go read, right now. And that's something. This one is a bit of a learning process, and I am never underestimating the "Have a buffer" advise again, but the comic exists.

Just make it seems like such simple, almost dumb advise, but it's true. NOTHING happens until you start doing it. Maybe the first few times won't work. This is not our first webcomic. Kickstarting was not our first idea for making things happen. But until you start moving NOTHING happens.

 So off I go, to finish that! It won't exist until I make it. Neither will your precious.
